Tag Archives: the dark artifices

On Cassandra Clare and the Shadowhunter Realm

I love Cassandra Clare, I really do. So I, of course, was very excited when I heard about the two other trilogies/series she is writing. Not to mention The Shadowhunter Chronicles. Im currently reading the Bane Chronicles, and im loving it. But, not everyone agrees with me that she should continue to write in this world. And I don’t quite understand why.

So, okay, just a question. What if JK Rowling wrote another story in the wizarding world, not Harry Potter, but a whole new story. It would be INSANE!! Everyone would be so excited! So why is Cassandra Clare being criticized? She has developed a world that is so complex and beautiful, why wouldn’t she continue writing in it? It isn’t the same story. Sure, the stories are intertwined but it isn’t like the story will be Jace and Clary or Will and Tessa. And it isn’t like she is only writing the shadowhunter series. She wrote the Iron Trial which is going to be series.

We have the new potential for a new shadowhunter book every year for the next 10 years. Maybe even more. I will continue to support Cassie in everything she writes. It takes a lot to create world as big as the shadowhunter world is. Until she disappoints me, and I don’t see that happening, I will continue to read her novels. Each novel she publishes is better than the last, and I am so excited to see where Emma Carstairs will take us in Lady Midnight. Also, Simon Lewis as a shadowhunter? Yes, please. The Shadowhunter Academy will be the DEATH OF ME.

Thanks for reading my little rant on Cassie. I have exams this week so I will probably get a lot of reading done after the test. See ya later, yo

-Zoe xo